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Are you attuned to the natural rhythms of the seasons?

I’ve noticed something important. Whilst animals adjust their habits when seasons change, we humans carry on with the same routines.

Every winter, bears and hedgehogs hibernate, flowering bulbs are tucked up underground and the trees are bare. They are all conserving energy.

What do we do?

Well, if anything we use more energy with the busyness of Christmas and a flurry of intentions and projects in the New Year.

But our bodies are feeling the shifting seasons, even if we are ignoring it.

The shorter winter days and reduced sunlight disrupts our body’s internal clock and serotonin levels.  Less sunshine equals less Vitamin D. This all contributes to feeling more tired and lethargic. Yet we carry on with the same busyness, work demands and exercise routines.

No wonder so many of us feel off-kilter at this time of year.
The fact is; seasons impact our energy levels.

In countries like Norway, Sweden and Finland the winter months come with very short days and long nights. Aware of the impact this darkness has on mood and energy levels, Scandinavians often counteract this by altering their diets and with "mys" (the Swedish concept similar to the Danish "hygge") they focus on cosiness, warmth and light.  Emphasising indoor comforts and social connections.

Whilst we may not experience such drastic changes, here in the UK, the shift between winter and summer nonetheless impacts us significantly.

So how can you align your habits with the seasons?

Nutritional Adjustments

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in how we adapt to seasonal changes. A tailored approach, considering the unique needs of each individual, can significantly enhance our ability to transition smoothly between seasons. For instance, focusing on seasonal produce can not only provide necessary nutrients, but also aligns our bodies with the natural cycle of growth and renewal.

Nutrition Adjustments for Each Season:

  • Spring: Focus on detoxifying and energising foods such as leafy greens, berries and nuts, to shake off the winter sluggishness.
  • Summer: Hydrate and nourish with water-rich fruits, salads and lighter meals that are easier to digest in the heat.
  • Autumn: Introduce more root vegetables, wholegrains and lean proteins to prepare the body for the colder months.
  • Winter: Opt for warm, hearty soups, stews and dishes rich in healthy fats and lean proteins to maintain energy and warmth.

Life Adjustments for each season

Life strategies must also evolve with the seasons.

Setting goals that are in harmony with the time of year can lead to more achievable outcomes. In the depths of winter, January is often not the best time to make big changes.

Instead, Spring with its sense of renewal or rebirth, might be the ideal time to focus on goals related to personal growth and new hobbies, leveraging the natural increase in energy levels bought on by the longer, lighter days.

If there are big changes on the horizon such as teenagers leaving for university in September, or the end of the primary school run in July, now is a good time to start thinking about what these changes will mean for you and how you might want to adjust your own life accordingly.

In Conclusion

As we finally welcome spring, take time to examine your routines and see what you may need to adjust so that you can flourish during this new season, into the next.

You don’t have to do this alone.

I can work with you in many ways, if you need support optimising your unique seasonal shifts. We can look at a whole range of options from bespoke nutrition plans, to life coaching and hypnotherapy.

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March 14, 2024

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